

智薰曾經在2006年6月16日在日本的ROAD FOR RAIN活動中這樣說到…

2007年6月30日,因為美國L.A.演唱會的取消,讓智薰和所有雲家族朋友們度過史上最黑暗的一天。這次RAIN WORLD TOUR美國L.A.演唱會的取消,不僅是打亂智薰進軍美國的步調,更讓智薰痛心的是失信於與雲之間的約定……。雲家族的朋友們都知道智薰非常重視這次的世界巡迴演出,珍惜著在各個場次和雲們直接互動的每分每秒,毫無保留的將自己練習許久的精彩全數呈現在雲們的眼前,這是RAIN始終無止盡努力承諾的實現,也是我們身為雲的自豪時刻!

歷經半年的RAIN WORLD TOUR,一路進行到了美國場次,在「RAIN」藝名官司壓力下,仍然堅持帶給雲們最好表現的智薰特別提前2個星期到達美國L.A.為演唱會作準備,每天超過12個小時的練習,就是希望能夠帶給美國觀眾一個難忘的「RAIN」全新體驗。即使努力堅持到最後一刻,美國L.A.演唱會還是在開演前一個半小時,眾人措手不及的情況下取消了。


我們不得不正視這次RAIN WORLD TOUR美國巡迴演唱會失利所帶來的衝擊,無論在名譽或是心情上,我們智薰都受到了嚴重的傷害。現在的他,最需要的就是雲家族各位的支持與安慰,陪伴他度過這段演藝生涯中最艱困的時期。幾位來自各國的雲兒們,在難過之餘認為「此時作為智薰身後強而有力的後盾比什麼都重要」,現在是我們該挺身而出為智薰做些什麼的時候了!經過持續與嚴密的討論,我們決定發起一個跨國性的活動,希望透過這次的活動讓智薰真實感受到雲家族,不分國家、不分地區團結在一起對他堅定的信任以及全心的支持,希望用全世界滿滿滿的愛來溫暖著他。



-留言請寫在此次活動特別設計的「心型小白雲留言卡」上。請對 此活動有興趣的朋友可以自行至各官網下載這次活動的”心型小白雲留言卡”,請用白色較厚的美術紙列印出來,並沿著留言卡的外型,將留言卡裁剪下來。(自己動手做,心意更加倍^^) (請參考範例圖檔,例如:龍紋紙、丹迪紙)

韓文:나는 비를 믿는다
英文: I believe Rain


2.請各網站管理員協助製作大約5分鐘長度的影片,目的是希望透過影片讓智薰感受到各國雲家族們不分彼此,團結一家的感情,也讓智薰知道有這麼多地方的雲兒都用自己的方式在喜愛著他,讓他確切的感受到雲兒無時無刻對他的關懷。內容可以是各位曾經和智薰一起度過的美好時光,也可以是各國舉辦生日會,或其他活動的影像,比如說這次蒐集「心型小白雲留言」活動的側拍…等等。各國的影片最後將會被編輯成一張完整名為: the Clouds from all over the world的DVD,讓智薰能夠擁著這些美好的記憶在異鄉努力,不會覺得孤單無助。



地址:台灣 231 台北縣新店市玫瑰路51巷18號1樓
-影片上傳網址: http://www.badongo.com/index.php (上傳方法請各國管理員參閱下方附錄)

-留言卡: 請各國網站管理員將本國的留言卡收集完成後,2007年7月15日前統一寄至上述台灣地址。


Clouds Always Be With Rain

“As long as there’s full support from Cloud family, no matter what struggle I encounter, no matter how my strong will to overcome all the struggles has been faded away ...but the powerful strength always gets back to me of a sudden everytime I have a thought of YOU!”
Said by Ji hoon in the” ROAD FOR RAIN” activity in Japan on June 16, 2006...

And now, it’s time for all the Clouds to stand together and fuel him up!!
Let's join us and show THE CLOUD's solidarity !!!

Dear Clouds,
June 30 is the worst day for Rain and Clouds. Due to the terrible working, they broke Rain’s dream and his promise with Fans. We all know Rain tried so hard to prepare for the performance in hope of showing his best to US market. Unfortunately, the LA concert was still cancelled. The cancellation of LA concert is not his fault, but we have to admit the US concert tour is abortive. He is now deeply hurt and really needs our support to overcome this difficult time. Some of us who are from different countries’ Fan Clubs have been discussing to raise a widespread transnational movement to let Rain know that Clouds always have faith in him and support him wholeheartedly.
If you are interested in our movement, please read the proposal as below and join us !!!
* Movement name: Clouds Always Be With Rain!
* Time: July 5th ~ July 18th (the movement period is very short because we hope Rain can get the cheering messages as soon as possible)
* Subject matter:
1.The movement hopes to collect all over the world Clouds’ cheering messages as many as possible for Rain (handwritten message). Each message will be written on a small card specially designed with “Red heart and Cloud” symbol.
We will send this design to every FC websitemaster (see the attached file).
-Message will be written on a specific red heart-shaped piece of paper. Those who are interested in the movement can go to their Fanclub website to download the “message card artwork” and use White thicker art paper to print it out by youself. After printing, please cut around the message card’s shape accordingly (see the attached sample).

-On the part of the white cloud, we all write the same message in our own language : I Believe in Rain

Korean: 나는 비를 믿는다
English: I Believe Rain
Chinese: 我相信雨
Other language: your own language. Please advice your members the message in your language

-On the part of the red heart (front and back), each person can write or design his/her own short personal message to Rain and then the signature. Please note that the message should be written in Korean and/or English only !!!

2. Each website please make a 5-minute clip to show your love and support for Rain. For instance, the 07’ birthday party, the process of collecting the messages or what you want to say to Rain now…. All the clips will then be edited into a DVD in the name of the Clouds from all over the world.

3. After the heart messages collection, we will send all the hearts and the DVD to Berlin directly to Rain. Hope these messages and the DVD can accompany him and cheer him up during his time in the Berlin.

4. The shipping fee of the present from Taiwan to Berlin will be shared equally among those who take part in the project. The payment details will be advised later.

*Mailing address for the hearts and clips collection:
- Heart cards: please send to :
Attn: Cindy Wang
Cellphone no: 886-963-322198
- Clip:
Please upload the clip to: http://www.badongo.com/index.php and send the clip VCD or DVD with the message cards. (see the upload method as below)

- Heart cards:
After collecting the heart cards by country, please send to Taiwan (to the address mentioned above) before July 15th, 2007.

- Clip:
Please upload the clip by country before July 10th, 2007.

Please kindly reply us through this email within July 6th 2007 whether you would join and/or coordinate the movement or not because we really need to know which countries are going to take part in to manage the time and all.
Your recommendations for the movement are highly welcomed !!!
Let’s join hands together and show our strong united support for Rain !!!

Best regards,

First love card!!

We just got our first love card from U.S.A on today!!!